Well, after fifteen months of recording my musings, rants and rambles about music here, it's officially moving day. As some of you know, I decided to move my blog because I finally got one of my posts taken down by Blogger this past Monday. As irritating and frustrating as trying to set up my blog at its new location on Wordpress was, I felt it was something I had to do in order to keep some of my autonomy. And maybe make a bit of a statement in the process. I think there's enough of the new blog in place for me to direct readers and subscribers to it now. There may still be some bugs and glitches as I get familiar with it, and there will be a bit of me that misses this old design for ridiculously sentimental reasons, but I know that in the long run this will be the right decision. I haven't yet decided if I will just delete this blog entirely, or if I will let it lay here like a corpse until Blogger picks it clean. Either way, I know the best is yet to come, and I thank all those who pledged their support.
Please come and join me at http://condemnedtorocknroll.wordpress.com/...