As I did last year, I will attempt an Irish mix in honour of St. Patrick's Day. The issue is that I usually find that I don't have too much Irish music in my collection. And then I have to pad it with someone like Van Morrison, someone that I never listen to. Nonetheless, I feel like I managed to cobble together a pretty decent mix this year. It ranges from the old (Virgin Prunes, The Pogues, The Stars of Heaven, Whipping Boy) to the new (The Japanese Popstars, Fight Like Apes, The Guggenheim Grotto, Halves, One Day International) to somewhere in between (Ash, The Frank and Walters, JJ72). JJ72's frontman, Mark Greaney, even makes a second appearance with his new band Concerto For Constantine.
This one's called Emerald Audiophile.
B.C.T.T. - The Japanese Popstars
Twenty Tens - Virgin Prunes
Wasps - Concerto For Constantine
Kung Fu - Ash
Jake Summers - Fight Like Apes
Forget Romance, Let's Dance - We Should Be Dead
The Sunnyside of the Street - The Pogues
After All - The Frank and Walters
What Else Could You Do? - The Stars of Heaven
Fee Da Da Dee - The Guggenheim Grotto
Blinded - Whipping Boy
Pride (In the Name of Love) - U2
Glimmer - JJ72
Blown A Wish - My Bloody Valentine
Kansas (Yellow Brick Road Mix) - The Hedge Schools
Little Death - One Day International
Lille - Lisa Hannigan
A Bear in the Hermitage - Sunken Foal
Medals - Halves
Hands Swollen With Grace - Dakota Suite
I'm always impressed by the song titles / band names that appear in your lists... and it's even better when the songs themselves live up to that promise.
This week I particularly liked Forget Romance, Let's Dance by We Should Be Dead.
We thought we had kept it long " enough, and by use of the flood water relieved ourselves from a considerable The North Face Sale quantity of stink by that means."Bishop Stortford has hitherto escaped litigation, but the same witness informed us,—" We have been threatened by several parties. Our neighbours at Sawbridgeworth have told us that we " have been poisoning them. We have said that we are sorry for it, but we think that they contribute to the " nuisance to some extent themselves, and we have Skechers Shoes therefore not heeded what they had to say."Millers on the same stream are almost obliged to resort to similar practices by way of self-defence. Mr. Garratt, of Hunsdon Mill, who has been much troubled with accumulation of mud, says,—" I find that other people send the mud to me ; and I had a Discount G Star Sale large hoe constructed, and I put four horses to " it, and I sent the mud down again into the navigation. It is cheaper than throwing it out."The condition of the lower end of the valley, where the population is much denser, and adoption of the watercloset system is more general, is of course much worse. Various towns on the Lee, and local authorities on the outskirts of London, have been or are at litigation one with another. To preserve the purity of Edmonton Brook, Edmonton has obtained an injunction against Enfield, and is applying for an injunction against North Face Outlet the Trustees of Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum. Tottenham last year instituted proceedings against Hornsey for fouling Moselle Stream, but although both the fact of the nuisance and the right of Tottenham to relief were equally undoubted, no relief could be given by the law, because there was no public body at Hornsey to be made amenable. The Lee Trustees a few years ago obtained an injunction against the Metropolitan Board of Works, and 820/. damages in respect of injury done to the Shape Ups Shoes navigation by discharge of sewage from storm-water outlets belonging to the Board. The Lee. Trustees alsorecently filed a bill against the authorities of Tottenham, to put an end to the nuisance from their sewage works, and especially to prevent the sewage of WoodGreen and West-Green, which are Shape Ups Boots districts within Tottenham parish, being added to the sewage of the rest of the parish, which is now discharged into the Lee.
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